Saturday, September 21, 2019

SDBBB and Two by Three NN L-8

We have produced two new products SDBBB and Two by Three NN L-8. The detail of the puzzles can be seen at our official web shop.

SDBBB stands for Sequential Discovery Board Burred Box. Juno again designed a twisted minded puzzle like our former product Sequential Discovery Burred Box. The same as its brother, SDBBB is considered as burr, puzzle box and sequential discovery puzzle. I reckon if you have Sequential Discovery Burred Box and like it, you may love SDBBB as well.

Although the puzzle became expensive once you see the engineering work, number of small parts and detail of the puzzle, you will notice how much effort was put into this puzzle. Moreover, the grain wood texture of American Rock Maple is so beautiful.

Please be assured, we didn't put in a loaf of bread this time but there is a treat in the internal cavity of the box to make the goal of the puzzle clearer and celebrate.

SDBBB is a quite big puzzle and its off-cuts are large enough to be used for production of a smaller puzzle. Juno designed a puzzle to suit the size of off-cut timber and it became Two by Three NN L-8.

This little puzzle is relatively easy, and we think that many burr puzzle lovers can solve it without any aids.

Hope you enjoy our new puzzle products!
